Note: Fee Rates for China Visa have just changed!

           Starting August 1, 2007, China Embassy / Consulate in the US charge US citizens by $100 per application FLAT,

              i.e., common for one entry, two entry, and 12 /24 month multiple entry.   No change for Non-US citizens. 

              Our low Service fee remains the same.






     The New fee rates are:


Visa Type

Consular Fee-US

Consular Fee


Service Fee

The same

Shipping Back

Express     Process fee


6 month One Entry




No Change


+35/ +55/ +85

the same


6 month Two Entry




No Change


+35/ +55/ +85

the same

This may be the best & most

practical choice for most people

6 month multi-entry




No Change


+35/ +55/ +85

the same


12 month multi-entry




No Change


+35/ +55/ +85

the same

The most attractive, but policy on approval is the same

24 month multi-entry




No Change

+35/ +55/ +85

the same

 Very controlled / limited to
 famous & special scholars only

Be noted  that it appears the new rates are “encouraging” applicants go for “multiple entry” visas.  But -

1.      The visa types remain the same;

2.      You can ask as you like; But it’s visa Consul’s decision what to approve (based on their evaluation on “needs”)

3.      Our low service fee remains the same. Yet for different types of visas, the service fee varies slightly;

4.      Overall, “6 month 2-entry” may be the best & most practical choice for most people.


Continue to Apply (online registration)


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